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Static Properties and Methods

Static property: isWorkerThread (readonly)

Is true if this code runs inside a Piscina threadpool as a Worker.

Static property: version (readonly)

Provides the current version of this library as a semver string.

Static method: move(value)

By default, any value returned by a worker function will be cloned when returned back to the Piscina pool, even if that object is capable of being transfered. The Piscina.move() method can be used to wrap and mark transferable values such that they will by transfered rather than cloned.

The value may be any object supported by Node.js to be transferable (e.g. ArrayBuffer, any TypedArray, or MessagePort), or any object implementing the Transferable interface.

const { move } = require('piscina');

module.exports = () => {
return move(new ArrayBuffer(10));

The move() method will throw if the value is not transferable.

The object returned by the move() method should not be set as a nested value in an object. If it is used, the move() object itself will be cloned as opposed to transfering the object it wraps.